Shakespeare Conquest (Julius Caesar)

Mob Rule. Does It Happen Today? Can Anything Good Come From It?

Mob Rule is when the mob takes over. This usually happens in countries where there are bad kings. It has happened in the past and sometimes happens today when the king makes the people mad and they run to the palace/castle/white house, etc. and protest. It is hard to say that good things come out of it, but sometimes they do. Mob changes the government so it is better. For example, in the British Civil War, nobody liked King Henry VIII. He married a Catholic when England had broken away from the Catholics to start their own church. He also put many other Catholics in high places in the government. So they executed him and just Parliament ruled. Because of Mob Rule, right now in Britain, Parliament is more in charge that the king/queen. 
What Is Superstition? Does It Play A Part In Your Life? Explain.
Superstition is, according to the dictionary, “a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like”. I don’t know if superstition plays a part in my life, I think it is just ridiculous. I think if something is true, it would show through evidence. Some people might say the beliefs in our church are superstitious, but there is proof to all of that. For example, some people might not believe in God, and they say believing in God is superstitious. However, there is proof all around us, there would not be anything if there wasn’t a God. Those are some reasons I don’t think superstition plays a part in my life.
What is the Difference between Acting and Reacting?
Give Two Examples.
Acting and reacting are different. Acting is when you choose do act or do something. Reacting is when someone else chooses to do something and you act to that choice. Here are two examples: 1. two people are talking. One person says something mean. The other person says something mean back. The first person is acting. The second person is reacting. 2. One person has a grudge against another person. He starts hurting the other person, who runs away. The first person is acting and reacting because the second person probably did something to make the first person hate them.
What Kind of Decisions Lead to Destruction?
            I do not have any friends who have ever made a decision that led me or them to destruction. However, I can name a few choices. My friends have never made these choices. If I ever have to make these choices, I will choose the right path. I hope my friends will too.
            The first choice that can lead to destruction is drugs. I will never do drugs and I am pretty sure my friends won’t either. Drugs can lead to destruction because they literally destroy you. Drugs are addictive. Once you start, it’s hard to stop. And all drugs are very bad for your body.
            Another choice that could lead to destruction is turning away from the church. Jesus loves us, and wants us to be happy. If we turn away from the gospel, we will not be happy. Wickedness was never happiness. Only Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost can make us truly happy.
            I hope that I will never have to make these choices and if they come to me I have already decided to choose the right. I am pretty sure that my friends are too good for this too. 
In Your Opinion, What Makes a Great Leader?
Give An Example From Your Life.
            A great leader is someone who can step up, face their fears, is considerate to people, and knows how to do what everyone wants, not just what they want. Here is the story of how I tried to be a great leader in my public school.
            We were split up into spelling groups and were told to come up with a name for our group. Nobody in my group knew how to compromise. So I stepped up and started being the leader. I did everything for others, not for myself. Eventually, we compromised by combining our ideas. It ended up being called something like the “Tropical Einstein Penguins” or something, but at least we all agreed to it.
When You Do Something Wrong, What Kind Of Emotions Do You Experience? Do These Emotions Effect Your Actions? If So, How Do They?
When I do something wrong, I sometimes feel sad. But, I usually feel mad. And this does effect my actions It makes puts me in a bad mood, and doesn’t help me to get any nicer. When I am mad, I am usually mad at a person, and I don’t feel happy for that person until they or I say something or do something nice to each other. But my actions effect my emotions because I keep remembering what I did, and when I do something nice, I remember that and it puts me in a great mood.
A Summary of Julius Caesar
            The play “Julius Caesar” is about events which happened around the time of Julius Caesar’s death. It is not totally accurate, but most of the events are true and really did happen.
            The play opens up about a month before Caesar’s death. Caesar has just returned to Tome after a war victory. The first two scenes are just to open up the play. A month later, Cassius is gathering together many people and planning to kill Caesar. They go to Brutus’ house and convince him to help them.
            On the Ides of March (March 15), which a soothsayer had previously warned Caesar about, Calpurnia, Caesar’s wife, has a bad dream and convinces him to stay home for the day. However, Decius, one of Caesar’s conspirators, convinces him to go instead. He goes to the Capitol and is murdered by his conspirators. Afterwards, Brutus convinces the people to leave him alone. But right after that Marc Antony (Caesar’s friend) changes the people’s perspectives back and they become a mob.
            The rest of the play is about Brutus and Cassius in a way against Marc Antony and Octavius. Caesar’s ghost also appears to Brutus. Seeing that he and Brutus are losing, Cassius commits suicide and, eventually, Brutus does too. Thus, Caesar’s death is avenged.
            “Julius Caesar” is one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces. I hope you liked the summary.
Compare Brutus and Cassius as Leaders. Who Would You Follow and Why?
Well, to start, they are both murderers. But if I had to choose, it would be Cassius. Cassius is a natural leader. He has lots of leadership skills. When he wants to do something he gathers people and does it. He leads them into doing it. Brutus, on the other hand, is nervous. But one strength Brutus has is speaking. He can change people’s opinions by just talking to them. They are both smart, and they want to save Rome. They understand that Caesar is getting too much power and they need to stop it. What they don’t understand is that the worst way to stop him is violence. 
Is Antony A Good Friend? Explain.
Marc Antony is a good friend to Caesar. He is loyal to him always. He supported and helped Caesar along the way. He never turned against him on any of his decisions, just gave him advice, defended, and supported him. Marc Antony is a great friend to Julius Caesar, and I just gave you 3 reasons for that. Julius Caesar is a hard play to choose sides, because pretty much everyone is evil. But Marc Antony is probably one of the most righteous people in the whole play.
Julius Caesar:
Every Character in Act 1, Scene 1-Act 2, Scene 1
Relationship to Caesar: A tribune (an official elected by the people to protect their rights.) He and Marullus take the decorations off of Caesar’s statues at the beginning of the play and they are both sentenced to death.
Relationship to Caesar: A tribune. He and Flavius both die near the beginning of the play.
Relationship to Caesar: A carpenter (obviously). He only has one ling in the whole play; at the beginning.
Relationship to Caesar: A cobbler (obviously). He is only in the first scene. He is joking and making the tribunes mad.
Relationship to Caesar: A figure who doesn’t want Caesar’s power rising.
Relationship to Caesar: His wife. She has a dream on the eve of the Ides of March that Caesar dies. She doesn’t want him to go out the next day, but he does.
Mark Antony
Relationship to Caesar: His friend. He stays loyal to Caesar throughout the whole play.
Relationship to Caesar: He is a fortune teller who tells Caesar to beware to Ides of March. However, he does not listen.
Relationship to Caesar: His friend. He believes strongly in government for the people, though, and eventually is involved in the plot to kill Caesar.
Relationship to Caesar: An acquaintance. Cassius is very smart and comes up with a plot to kill Caesar.
Relationship to Caesar: A senator. He is known for being very skilled at speaking in public.
Relationship to Caesar: A conspirator involved in the plot to kill Caesar.
Relationship to Caesar: His friend Brutus’s servant.
Decius, Metullus, and Trebonius
Relationship to Caesar: Conspirators to kill him.
Relationship to Caesar: His friend Brutus’s wife.

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