Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Key of Liberty Notes: Page 3


Executive (Enforces Laws)

Legislative (Makes Laws)

House of Representatives
Must be:
>25 or more years old
>7 years a citizen of the United States
>An inhabitant of the state that the people which they are representing live in
>They have a four year term
>Half of them are elected every two years
>The governor of their state appoints a new representative if they leave
>They elect their own officers
>They have power of impeachment

Must be:
>35 or more years old
>9 years a citizen of the United States
>An inhabitant of the state they are representing
>They have a six year term
>One-third of them are elected every two years
>There are two per state
>They are led by the Vice President
>The Vice President can’t vote unless he needs to break a tie
>They appoint their president if the Vice President leaves

>They run trials for impeachment

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