Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What Would Life Be Like Without the Constitution?

            What would life in the United States of America be like without our Constitution? Would we be controlled by a king and his military? Or would we all be running around crazy through the streets killing each other? Perhaps life would be like what it was in The Freedom Factor. Let’s explore what life could or would be like without the most brilliant document ever written in the history of the world.
            The first thing that would probably happen is the people would be in anarchy and turn to a king for direction and help. We would swing to tyranny. Over the years anger would build up against our king and eventually he would probably be overthrown by the people, who were so sick of his decisions. We would swing back to anarchy. This cycle would probably go back and forth until America would be taken over by another stronger country.
            Another thing that could happen is, after the Constitutional Convention had failed or the Constitution was not ratified, we would turn to stronger countries like England and France and pattern their government after them. And, therefore, our brilliant government, laws, and rights would vanish and we would end up with a Parliament and a King or Queen.
            Something else that could happen is one of the stronger countries, like England, would take advantage of America after their failed Constitution was abolished. We would have a war and, with George Washington much older than he used to be, we would lose and become part of England immediately instead of later.

I am grateful for the U. S. Constitution and for our founding fathers’ sacrifices to bring this country the gift of a more perfect country. Without the Constitution, this country would be in serious trouble and the circumstances of the American people would have been much worse. It is a good thing that we had such great men who lived at the dawn of this country and helped it come to life.

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