1608: Jamestown
1620: Pilgrims
1650: John
Washington (George Washington’s grandfather)
George Washington
Age 6: George’s
father died
Age 11: George went to the West Indies ,
where he got smallpox. This made him immune to the disease during the war.
George is also 6’1’’. His stepbrother Lawrence, who was fourteen years older
than him, also died.
Age 14: George wanted to enlist in the British Navy, but his mother
wouldn’t let him.
Age 15: George became a surveyor. His sister-in-law’s father was
watching him.
Age 18: George bought lots of land.
Age 20: Fairfax puts Washington
as a major in the Virginia Militia.
Age 21: Washington
went on a trip with Nathaniel Gist. He walked 33 miles a day and he almost died
multiple times. Washington became
a colonel. He went to the Ohio Valley
to fight the French with Indians.
Age 23: Washington
worked with many soldiers such as Thomas Gage, Horatio Gates, and Charles Lee.
He was now under General Braddock, who joined him. Washington
got sick and strayed behind, and General Braddock went right into a trap. There
was so much confusion that the British were shooting each other. Braddock and
many other leaders were killed. Washington
had two horses shot out from under him, a bullet hole in his hat and three in
his coat, but he survived, regrouped the men, and retreated. Washington
was now lost and mad again, but his reputation grew because he survived.
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