Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Leaders: Men of Faith and Character or Men of Knowledge?

Should America’s leaders be men of knowledge? That would certainly be nice. Would men of faith and character be better? Would it be better or worse if our leaders were moral men who believe in God and have faith in this country?
            Men of knowledge would know how to work with this country; how to be a leader. But the question is, “Is the knowledge from man or from God?” The definition of knowledge is, “acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation.” So you know something from learning it. But where and how did you learn it? Who or what did you learn it from? Study and investigation is not listening to a teacher. It is learning from wise men that seek God, and seek to know truth. But after you learn it, you need to study and apply it. The most important part to knowledge is wisdom.
            Men of faith and character might not know as much as the knowledgeable man, but they seek to know truth, and they know where to find it. Character is especially important. Men of knowledge, more often than not, are prideful. They feel they are above the average man. One thing a lot of them don’t apply is the idea that all men are created equal. Humble and honest men who want to serve got are better leaders than men of knowledge.

            But one thing that needs to be known is the fact that men of faith and character are men of knowledge. Their knowledge is more valuable as well, because it is received from God, not man. I know what I have said to be true as far as my knowledge goes.

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