Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What Is More Important: Your Family Or Your Country

This is a very hard question. We obviously all love our families more than anyone else in the world, but our country is very important too. One thing to consider is the fact that helping your country is helping your family. Probably the founding fathers’ main reasons for sacrificing for their country were to help their families. In the long run, their family will have help in the future. Their descendants have good government and freedom of religion and speech. Their families later could have freedom. They knew, even if they died, that they would be able to live with their families forever in heaven. But we cannot live in our country forever. In the long run, families are more important. Right now, in our earth life, our country is more important because we have descendants who will live in our country later. We need to fix the government in our country while we are living in our country. This was why the founders didn’t care if they died. They would still have their families. So in a way, we can kill two birds with one stone. So the answer to this question is “our families are more important.” But people need to understand that helping their country is helping their family.

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